Gosh, it's been a while again since i have written anything here. it is so like me.There are actually many things that i wanted to post here, to express the feelings inside of me.But then it just vanished into thin air. Instead, what I always do is constantly checking on my FB's wall though, it is just like my blog here, there's nothing much.
I am no longer staying in T.I. Missed my old workplace like, every weekdays. Missed my colleagues cum friends there. Haven't got the niche here yet. Good Lord Ya Allah, let your humble servant here have peace of mind.
To be frank, i'm not really happy to be here. Funny coz all the while when i was in TI, me and my significant other kept making the effort of moving up here nearer to our next of kin.
On the other hand, i managed to achieved a few resolutions of mine that made a few years back, and the list goes like this;
1) Learn how to sew Baju Kurung. My 3 kiddos' Baju Kurung for this year raya were proudly sewn by moi.Bought an overlock machine just for the purpose of learning sewing BK. For stater, it is only BK, maybe next time I'll expand my list to Baju Melayu, Gown, Etc.Cut me some slack okay.i learnt to sew the BK on my own, with the help of a few books i bought and with the help of Mr Youtube of course.
2) Even learnt how to sew beads on the Baju Kurung.That was something eh? Currently i am still in the state of 'Gila Manik'. Me being myself, i browsed through pages of blogs on sewing beads and even bought an e-book on beading. Yes, it's me, i will do almost, i repeat, almost anything to get what i want, and i know i must do it before this "taik ayam' inside of me get cold.
3) i also did achieve a prime goal of mine in the middle of the year, but this one is privy so i guess i'll keep it to myself.
guess that's all, and me being me, maybe i'll write again in 1 year time. See you all then.
*and pardon my English yes, i just wrote using whatever words that came across my mind.
(Oh My English! ;) )
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